Emotional Health > Stress Management > Relationships

From Stress to Security in Relationships
(A Therapist's Guide)

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In 6 weeks, master the 6 must-know steps with Dr. Susanne Wolf to transformatively upgrade your relationships and stop stressing, for good. 

What You'll LEARN:

  • 6 steps to break unhealthy emotional and behavioral patterns that hurt and haunt all your relationships
  • How to change your Attachment Style that affects how you give and receive Love

  • How to regulate your difficult emotions during uncertainties so they don't hijack your brain
  • Communication styles that create intimacy and deeper loving connections

  • Change your unhealthy conflicts into healthy ones

  • *Becoming more secure both by yourself and in your relationships*

Dr. Susanne Wolf

  • Practicing Therapist with 20+ years of experience

  • Specializes in relationship & marriage counseling

  • Treated thousands of patients

  • PhD in Women's Health with Counseling

  • 500k+ followers on Instagram @mymentalhealthspace
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This course includes:

  • 6 Hours of total content
  • 4 Hours of video content
  • 6 Weeks, 1 unit per week
  • Beginner-level practice 
  • Full lifetime access
  • Closed captioning
  • Certificate of Completion

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