Emotional Health > Stress Management > Practical Neuroscience

Your Superpower:
Emotion-Behavior Mastery 

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10 years of therapy in 10 episodes.
Transform your personal and professional life with Dr. Ketam Hamdan
Gain the mental superpower tools to Thrive even in difficult times. 

What You'll LEARN:

  • How to unleash your inner superpower and overcome life challenges and difficulties caused by anxiety, stress, anger, doubt, and other emotions
  • Turn your enemy emotions into your friend and make them work for YOU

  • What is Brain Mapping and the latest neuroscience breakthroughs for emotional and trauma processing
  • What 90% of people think they know about mental health when only 10% really do

  • Relationship and Communication techniques from a therapist that will save you years of therapy

  • *From Survive to Thrive no matter what challenges life throws at you*

Dr. Ketam Hamdan

  • Practicing Therapist with 10+ years of experience

  • Specializes in trauma & relationships counseling and neuroscience

  • Ph.D. in Psychology

  • Master's in Psychology from Harvard University & Master’s of Science from Columbia University

  • 180K followers on Instagram @BrainHealthDoc
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This course includes:

  • 5 Hours of total content
  • 2.5 Hours of video content
  • 10 Episodes, 2 weeks
  • Beginner-friendly practice 
  • Full lifetime access
  • Closed captioning
  • Certificate of Completion

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